Friday, September 24, 2010

Sometimes I Wish I Could Start Over ♥

Go back in time. Maybe go into the future. Leave my small town. Enter another town. Everyone loves the new girl. Or maybe just change my ways. But if no one likes me the way I am, why change for their own good? It's my life. Sometimes I wish I could start over. But right now, I want to keep going. And see where my life will take me. My past doesn't control what's ahead ♥

-thoughts from my spinning head


  1. i sometimes feel like that too. :) i mean, i loooove my life at the moment just where i am but still, it would be nice to try to start over. so that no-one would know you. i hope nothing bad has happened in your past?

  2. I completely understand how your feel!:)

  3. me too!
    could i possibley ask a small favour? that you vote for me here ? I'd love you forever!

  4. Always be yourself, the way God created you :) You never know what adventures may be ahead of you!

  5. i always wish i could start over :( but i think the future can only get better for you!

  6. I feel you. Just be you and who cares what anyone thinks!!! You are in charge of your future:-)

  7. i given you a blog award!:) you deserve it:)x


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